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䠀攀爀攀 愀爀攀 愀 挀漀甀瀀氀攀 漀昀 戀椀琀猀 漀昀 攀砀愀洀瀀氀攀 琀攀砀琀 礀漀甀 挀愀渀 甀猀攀 琀漀 琀爀礀 漀甀琀 䬀愀渀愀 瘀椀攀眀攀爀⸀ 匀椀洀瀀氀礀 搀爀愀最 礀漀甀爀 洀漀甀猀攀 挀甀爀猀漀爀 琀漀 猀攀氀攀挀琀 攀愀挀栀 瀀栀爀愀猀攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀渀 挀漀瀀礀 愀渀搀 瀀愀猀琀攀 琀栀攀 琀攀砀琀ഀഀ into the top window of kana viewer. You should then see the corresponding romaji (roman characters) appear in the bottom window. 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ 㰀瀀㸀ഀഀ First of all, nihongo wakarimashita (I understand Japanese) in hiragana: 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ 㰀瀀㸀ഀഀ 欀笰錰吰0輰䬰訰縰地弰⸰ഀഀ 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ 㰀瀀㸀ഀഀ Next, the same thing in katakana: 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ 㰀瀀㸀ഀഀ 쬀됰0ꬰ뜰뼰⸰ഀഀ 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ ഀഀ 㰀瀀㸀ഀഀ Back to Kana Viewer / stuffware.co.uk. 㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ ഀഀ
㰀搀椀瘀 愀氀椀最渀 㴀 氀攀昀琀㸀ഀഀ stuffware.co.uk 㰀⼀搀椀瘀㸀ഀഀ | 㰀⼀琀爀㸀ഀഀ